From the Press:

"... with the deft Cicalese achoring them with an air of desperate fortitude."
- Helen Shaw, Vulture, 2022 (Ectoplasm).

“... more than holds [her] own...”
-Dennis Maley, The Bradenton Times (Into The Breeches! 2020)

“...a more confident and defiant Juliet than I’ve seen before. It's a welcome change...”
Jay Handelman, Sarasota Herald-Tribune (Romeo & Juliet, 2019)

“Cicalese’s Celia is touching when love destroys her self-possession."
-Marty Fugate, The Sarasota Observer
(As You Like It, 2019)

“Jillian Cicalese comes on with a strong power of friendship as Celia.”
(As You Like It, 2019)

“... believable and touching... show(s) no trouble handling either witty repartee or that 'instant love' reaction...”
- Kay Kipling, Sarasota Magazine (As You Like It, 2019)

“Jillian Cicalese conveys warmth as Celia...”
- Jay Handelman, Herald-Tribune (As You Like It, 2019)